Where does a marketing solutions company turn when it wants to market its own company? To Red Paper Plane, of course.
A member on the TRU marketing team, who was familiar with the outstanding dimensional mailers of Red Paper Plane, made the recommendation to use the 4.25" Pop-Up Cube as part of a multi-touch campaign.
The campaign architecture started with the mailer which was sent to TRU’s prospecting list (which TRU calls its 75 List). This list was comprised of key marketing and event contacts not having previous contact with TRU. As its second touch, TRU followed up with an email offering what it calls its “Ideation Guide,” an interactive flip book showcasing marketing ideas from TRU. The third wave of the campaign was an email invitation inviting prospects to a breakfast meeting with TRU’s President and creative team.
To date, TRU has experienced a 3% response rate and was able to secure a meeting with one of the nation’s largest manufacturers.
In addition to being thrilled with the results, Rachael is also pleased with how quickly and seamlessly the design process developed into a finished product. Her designer changed images multiple times during development as the team sought the right mix of products and services in a variety of industries. All of the images were aimed at companies for whom the bulk of their marketing is TRU Events’ Expertise’— trade shows and marketing presentation packages. The cube also featured a QR code that drove recipients to an online form and a link to TRU’s website (http://www.be-tru.com)
“Using this mailer has been a good and fun inspirational driver for us,” says Rachael. “We just love the idea that it isn’t flat. It’s been a great first hit for us.”