Smoky Lake Maple Exceeds Sales By 31% with the Pop Up Cube

Smoky Lake Maple Exceeds Sales By 31% with the Pop Up Cube
Smoky Lake Maple Exceeds Sales By 31% with the Pop Up Cube

For Angela Schumacher, owner of Smoky Lake Maple Products, LLC, a recent Christmas campaign was a few years in the making.

“The first time I heard about you guys [Red Paper Plane] was at the Denver HOW Conference and I held onto that sample that you guys gave me for years thinking, “I’ve got to do this, I’ve got to do this,” she said in a phone interview. “It was so cool. When I finally had an opportunity to use it where it made sense, I jumped at the opportunity.”

According to Schumacher, her company does one big mailing each year that coincides with the holiday season.

“We use this mailing as an incentive for people to purchase products through our website instead of Ebay,” she said. “So, when people hear about the cool things we send out at Christmas, it’s even more incentive for them to buy through our website because they want to be part of that mailing.”

In 2016, the company mailed out a branded mug to a few hundred recipients throughout the U.S.

“It’s kind of expensive to ship a bunch of mugs all over the country, she said. “This Pop Up Cube was nice because it was just regular postage and it popped up into a box that looked like a gift. So, it looked like a present and on it there was a promotion code where recipients could go order something on our website.”

Not only did Schumacher say the direct mail piece met her objectives, but it was something she and her team were proud to send out.

“It turned out awesome! We had a lot of really great responses from our customers,” she said.

“Some people said, “This is the coolest Christmas card (or card period) that I’ve ever gotten!”

Then we had people telling me that after they opened it that they put it back in the envelope and then had their wife open it or their kids open it. It really surprised and delighted people and made it a very memorable promotion.”

In fact, the holiday promotion kicked off a record breaking season for Smoky Lake Maple. About 28 percent of customers redeemed their coupon code from the promotion and it helped the company exceed its prior year’s sales by 31 percent!

“We were all really proud to send that out. It met our objectives in that it was memorable and people were really delighted by it. We also got people to our website. It kept us top of mind with our customers, so it was definitely a success,” Schumacher said.

“My only problem is I don’t know how I’m going to top it this year!”

Smoky Lake uses the 4.25" Pop Up Cube for Holiday Promotion

Smoky Lake uses the 4.25" Pop Up Cube for Holiday Promotion
