Skyline Products Capitalizes on Message of Change

Skyline Products Capitalizes on Message of Change

When Skyline Products wanted to target the customers of its competitors’ fuel pricing software, it sent a direct mail campaign using the theme of change. For the campaign, it chose the changeable formats of the Extendo and Flapper from Red Paper Plane as the perfect way to get that message out.

The Extendo contains panels that can be pulled out from the sides, “extending” the message. The Flapper unfolds in a variety of configurations, morphing shape and message with every reveal. “There is a lot of fear in changing a software solution, so our message was that change is easy,” says Allison Wroe, director of marketing for Skyline’s PriceAdvantage software. “The fact that the pieces themselves change became part of the message.”

Skyline’s first mailing used the Extendo, which compares the two software products side by side. Unopened, the Extendo reads, “Change Fuel Pricing Software for Amazing Price.” When the Extendo is open, the message changes to “Exchange [Competitor’s Product] Pricing Software for Amazing PriceAdvantage.”

The Flapper was mailed about two weeks later, with an email in-between. The initial message was, “Relax. It’s Easy.” When the Flapper is opened, the message changes to “Change Is Easy.” When opened again, the message changes to “Change is Good.” Then the recipient gets to the offer.

Skyline Products mailed 50 of each product to its competitor’s customers, targeting multiple titles at each company. “These are large companies. The buying process takes quite a while,” says Wroe. “We wanted to build brand awareness so when their contracts for renewal, they think of us.”

The results? Although the piece was intended primarily for brand building in a market in which contracts may not come up for renewal for years, Skyline Products is already in the discovery process with several new customers.
