Higher Education Pop Up Direct Mail Cube

Higher Education Pop Up Direct Mail Cube
Higher Education Pop Up Direct Mail Cube

Structural Graphics recently utilized the Red Paper Plane 3" Pop Up Direct Mail Cube to reach out to Higher Education Marketers. This dimensional direct mail piece contained eye-catching graphics along with messaging relavant to this target market. This piece highlighted focus group findings that Structural Graphics conducted over the summer relating to High School students application process and ultimate school selection.

The flap of the envelope highliights the New York Times Quote:

"This is a time of rapid and disruptive change in Higher Education"

Higher Education 3" Pop Up Cube with Zip Strip Direct Mailer

Higher Education 3" Pop Up Cube with Zip Strip Direct Mailer

Higher Education 3" Pop Up Cube with Zip Strip Direct Mailer

Higher Education 3" Pop Up Cube with Zip Strip Direct Mailer

Higher Education 3" Pop Up Cube with Zip Strip Direct Mailer
