Dimensional Thank You Cards by Patti Andre Photography

Dimensional Thank You Cards by Patti Andre Photography
Dimensional Thank You Cards by Patti Andre Photography

Every year, Patti Andre Photography sends out an elaborate holiday card. It’s always something unique, and usually three-dimensional. One year, Patti sent a spinning card for the Twelve Days of Christmas. Another year, she produced a mini-book around the theme of caroling. Each mailer showcased her unique photographic style and her talents as a graphic artist.

This year, while looking for ideas on Pinterest, Patti followed a trail of pins and came across Red Paper Plane. She loved the three-dimensional formats and ability to print in small quantities. “I thought, ‘Oh my gosh, look at the fun stuff they do,’” she says. ‘Plus, we could print in small quantities, which was perfect.”

Patti decided not to wait until Christmas. She selected one of RPP’s most unusual formats, the Exploding Page, to send thank-you cards to clients, both corporate and individual.

For individuals, Patti featured a picture from a shoot the studio had done, but was a picture they hadn’t ordered. “I wanted to say, ‘Hey, love this one? It’s still out there. Thanks for working with me!’” she says. For corporate clients, she reminded them of what a great job she did and got them thinking, “Wow, I wonder what kind of fun, creative thing we’ll design next?”

“The reaction has been great,” says Patti. “It’s like, ‘You’re so creative. You always send something so cool!’”

For Patti, truly unique, highly tactile mailers are just good marketing. “Everyone is sending flat mailers and email communications these days,” she says. “That’s why I want clients to interact with the piece and hold onto it longer. Dimensional mail gets them thinking, ‘Oh, she doesn’t just do photography and simple cards.’ Especially on the corporate side, we want them to hire us for brochures and press kits and corporate design.”

What’s next for Patti’s marketing plan? Mini-Flapper business cards, which unfold in a sequence of multiple reveals to showcase her signature images. It’s not what people are used to seeing—and that’s the point! “Anyone can send an email,” Patti concludes.

Patti loves providing solutions for clients who want to do fun, exciting projects that are outside the box. Want to see more of her photography and design work? Check out her website at pattiandrephotography.com.

Patti Andre Photography uses Small Exploding Page as a Dimensional Thank You

Patti Andre Photography uses Small Exploding Page as a Dimensional Thank You

Patti Andre Photography uses Small Exploding Page as a Dimensional Thank You

Patti Andre Photography uses Small Exploding Page as a Dimensional Thank You
