Who? American Health
Information Management Association (AHIMA)
Their industry: Health data and information management
Their audience: Medical professionals all across the healthcare spectrum
Their challenge: Keeping their subscription-based “Code Check” service fresh in recipients’ minds all year long. The service helps patients with questions regarding the medical codes used for documentation and insurance reporting purposes.
So - how do you create an ad that makes this service memorable?
Our solution: The Center Pop - a nifty rubber-band-activated pop-up mailer that transforms from flat card into self-standing centerpiece.
The main pros: It works entirely on its own. Once it pops, it essentially becomes a convenient desk piece. If the content on it has some value, it’s pretty easy to set it and forget it.
As for AMIHA, they managed to provide added value to recipients in the form of a yearlong calendar. Marketing Manager Monica Linder explains: “We put a 2019 calendar on one side so they had a reason to keep it there. Then we had our branding on the bottom, and an overview of what the service does.”
Anyone who needed a calendar or simply enjoyed the Center Pop’s 3D magic was then reminded of the Code Check service every time they checked the date.